Michael’s Literacy!

By February 15, 2016 BlogPost No Comments


Hey everyone, look at my beautiful picture that I made on Wednesday.


But excitement aside, here are the list of the many sponsors that I decided to list.

  1. American/Western style capitalism (aka the bourgeioise).
  2. The Art Institute (they definitely rely on my art literacy in order to collect their annual membership funds. And coffee purchases from the member lounge).
  3. Netflix
  4. Professor’s and teachers that I’ve had during my time in college
  5. DePaul University (this is very self-explanatory, and one that probably everyone had on their lists)
  6. The publishers of my favorite novels and plays (Penguin, random house, etc.)
  7. My current and past employers (there have been quite a few of them).
  8. The Catholic Church
  9. My parents and family at large!
  10. Counselor’s and friends
  11. Social Media platforms (that I’m very, very addicted to).
  12. Family Services
  13. The Federal Government (thanks Obama).

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