How Literacy Pursues You

By March 13, 2016 BlogPost No Comments


After mapping out the sponsors of my literacy a la Deborah Brandt, I was somewhat surprised by how much my pursuit of literacy has benefited and been pursued by external sponsors. I’ve always believed that it was always my choice to become literate in different forms so that I could further myself, both socioeconomically and culturally. What I didn’t think about is how much outside sources (sponsors) have influenced my desire to claim multiple literacies.

The members of my family who taught me to read and write did so in hopes of instilling in me a natural affinity to learning so that my future would always appear bright. Despite them wanting what is best for me, they were also, more than likely, very aware of my success in the future having a very real correlation to them being taken care of in their old age.

The point that I am trying to make—the point that is somewhat uncomfortable to make—is that thinking of the relationship between wanting to acquire new literacies for self-improvement and sponsors of literacy in many ways exploiting and creating the desire of individuals to acquire said literacies is a very intricate one. It is also one that I’ve rarely considered.


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